Policy Pulse
Policy Pulse, a generative AI project, aimed to provide concise policy briefs and present recommendations and research to a non-specialized audience.
It uses the python langchain library to create vector embeddings of chunks of documents, which then gets retrieved based on the relevant sections of the paper.
Link to Website: https://rem2024-f429b.firebaseapp.com/index.html
Sample Product Input
Full Product Input
Sample Product Output
Full Product Output
Modeling and Data Analysis of 2011-2020 Data from the National Nutrition And Health Examination Survey
Overview of Race/Ethnicity-Specific Associations Between SDoH Score and Na/K Ratio. To evaluate the effect of social determinants of health (SDoH) on sodium-potassium ratio disparities, we constructed an aggregated SDoH score ranging from 0 to 7, incorporating seven binary variables: education level, employment status, income-to-poverty ratio, food security, access to healthcare, health insurance, and marital status. Non-Hispanic White and Asian participants had distributions skewed toward lower scores (predominantly around 1), while non-Hispanic Black, Mexican American, Other Hispanic, and Other racial/ethnic groups showed peak distributions around a score of 4 (Figure 1). Trends in sodium-potassium ratios across SDoH scores also differed by group: while non-Hispanic White, Asian, Black, and Other participants demonstrated a rising trend in sodium-potassium ratio with increasing SDoH scores, Mexican American and Other Hispanic groups showed relatively stable ratios across the score range (Figure 2).